eu Families & Adolescents Quit Tobacco
Many EU countries have already taken concrete measures to address the smoking epidemic and have succeeded in lowering smoking rates in their populations. Several Nordic and Western European countries are therefore now in stage 4 of the epidemic. However, several countries in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe are in the early stages of the epidemic and are just now adopting a national strategy against smoking. What is particularly alarming for these countries is that adolescent and youth rates of smoking are very high and have been increasing.
The promotion of a healthier smoke free way of life for European adolescents and their families is the main and general objective of the euFAQT Project. euFAQT aims to complement EU policies on smoking prevention and cessation by adding to the knowledge about smoking prevention and cessation in adolescents.
One of the euFAQT objectives is to address smoking in countries with high smoking prevalence that also share cultural and socio-economic characteristics affecting smoking as a social behavior. Thus, the euFAQT project has several partners in a number of Southern/Mediterranean countries as well as Central/Eastern European countries.